Why the name Kale?

Our name actually originated from one of our founders wives, she blended Kevin, Anton and Dale and came up with Kale. And since we mainly focus on health and wellness related companies, we thought it was a perfect fit!

Why we started Kale.

With deep friendships that have developed over decades it was time to combine our unique backgrounds and strengths to take on a new challenge and help other businesses achieve a meaningful impact in the world.

We each have a passion for health and love challenging ourselves physically and mentally and we have brought that same intensity to the venture world providing both capital and mentorship to accelerate growth in founder friendly and ethical ways.

Why Kale is different.

We call it the 6 P’s

Passion. Proven Experience. Perspective. Private Capital. Practical. Principled.

  • We pursue projects we are passionate about and feel can have a positive impact on the world.

  • We have decades of proven entrepreneurial and operational experience having built, run and sold multiple business.

  • Our combined experience gives us a unique perspective on evaluating opportunity, mentoring founders and providing access to an extensive network of industry contacts.

  • We are completely private equity and we don’t raise outside money, therefore don’t have anyone else to answer to as we focus on helping founders maximize growth and value in their companies.

  • We are practical and focus on realities and results with a bias towards action.

  • We are principled in our approach and view our investment opportunities as a symbiotic relationship in which our role is to support the founder and organization as best we can with honesty and integrity.

What we look for in the companies we invest in:

  • It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you have a business that is taking off and you need some extra capital and support to get you to the next level and beyond. We look for ideas that are fundamentally disruptive and can have an incredible impact on the vertical they are competing in.

  • How large is your opportunity? We look for ideas and businesses that can have an impact on a large community of individuals or businesses.

  • Is your business doing something different and therefore more appealing for people and businesses to want your product? This would make up a part of your competitive advantage in the market.

  • This isn’t an absolute must, sometimes we bet on new players, but having done it before and built experience as an entrepreneur, especially if you had a previous success, is definitely a plus.

  • Knowing what and how you will achieve market success with a well thought out plan is a must. 24 months at a minimum. We also look for whether there are defined roles for who is responsible for what. Especially when it comes to having someone on the team that has experience in scaling or commercializing a business.